A group of the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau™ (SECB) has a mission to champion business travel and business events. As enablers for industry growth and a key driver of the tourism sector, we aim to establish Singapore as a dynamic business events destination where an ecosystem of ideas, people, and technology draws on vibrant knowledge and wide networks to tailor success for you.
For more information, visit website.
With offices in 157 countries and more than 208,000 people, PwC is among the leading professional services networks in the world. We help organisations and individuals create the value they’re looking for, by delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. Some facts about PwC:
- In FY15, PwC firms provided services to 418 companies in the Fortune Global 500 and 443 in the FT Global 500
- In 2015, we were named the 2nd most attractive employer in the world for business students by Universum
- For the year ending 30 June 2015, PwC’s gross revenues were US$35.4 billion, up 10%, a strong performance in the face of some challenging circumstances
For more information, visit website

APSCA is the only regional industry association for organisations in the secure smart card, smart devices, contactless, mobile contactless/NFC, e-Identification and M2M/IOT businesses in Asia, focusing on multi-sector business and government applications. The Association delivers information, guidance and networking to corporations and government organisations, including smart card scheme operators and suppliers, providing an unparalleled opportunity to source information and contacts, facilitate smart card and M2M/IOT initiatives and generate increased business development. Established in 1997, APSCA over 35 members in 13 countries throughout Asia as well as in Australia and Europe. The Association has organised more than 165 events in over 17 countries in Asia, Australasia, Africa and the Middle East, focusing on the business and technology for secure smart cards, smart objects and smart devices, and has one of the largest business networks in Asia with over 13,000 smart card industry executives.
APSCA is the only regional industry association for organisations in the secure smart card, smart devices, con...

Asia Cloud Computing Association (ACCA)

The ACCA is an industry association that represents stakeholders of the cloud computing ecosystem in Asia. Our mission is to accelerate the adoption of cloud computing through Asia Pacific by helping to create a trusted and compelling market environment, and a safe and consistent regulatory environment for cloud computing products and services. Through dialogue, training, and public education, the ACCA provides a vendor-neutral platform to discuss strategies, share ideas, and establish policies and best practices relating to cloud computing.
Our members include: 1CloudStar, AT&T, Cazar, Cisco, Datapipe, Dimension Data, EMC, Equinix, eVantage Technology, Globe Telecoms, HP, Hong Kong Cyberport, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, Microsoft, NetApp, Parallels, ReedHamilton, PLDT, Symantec, Telstra Global, TrustSphere, Verizon.
For more information on the ACCA, membership and partnership opportunities,
visit http://www.asiacloudcomputing.org,
email ,
tweet us @accacloud, or
LinkedIn with us at http://is.gd/accacloud
Asia Cloud Computing Association (ACCA)
The ACCA is an industry association that represents stakeholders of the cloud computing ecosystem in Asia...

Asian Professional Security Association (APSA)

The Asian Professional Security Association (APSA)® is a non -profit, international organization of information security professionals and practitioners. It provides educational forums, publications and peer interaction opportunities that enhance the knowledge, skill and professional growth of its members.
Asian Professional Security Association (APSA)
The Asian Professional Security Association (APSA)® is a non -profit, international organization of informatio...

ASIS International Singapore Chapter

ASIS International Singapore Chapter was founded in 1975. The Chapter is managed by volunteer leaders with the aim to advance the security management profession. The Chapter actively works with the industry to raise the awareness of leading security management practices and standards. It is one of the key communities of security professionals in Singapore which includes Women-in-Security. The Singapore Chapter’s membership is made up of more than 200 security professionals.
ASIS International is the leading organization for security professionals and has more than 38,000 members worldwide. Founded in 1955, ASIS is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and productivity of security professionals by developing educational programs and materials that address broad security interests, such as the ASIS Annual Seminar and Exhibits, as well as specific security topics. ASIS also advocates the role and value of the security management profession to business, the media, government entities and the public. By providing members and the security community with access to a full range of programs and services, and by publishing the industry’s No. 1 magazine—Security Management—ASIS leads the way for advanced and improved security performance.
ASIS is an ANSI accredited Standards Development Organization and actively participates in the International Organization for Standardization, developing standards and guidelines within a voluntary, non-proprietary and consensus-based process, utilizing the knowledge, experience and expertise of ASIS membership, security professionals and the global security industry.
ASIS International Singapore Chapter
ASIS International Singapore Chapter was founded in 1975. The Chapter is managed by volunteer leaders with the...

Association of Information Security Professionals (AISP)

The Association of Information Security Professionals (AISP) was registered with the strong support of Singapore Computer Society (SCS) and Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) in February 2008. It aims to transform Infocomm security into a distinguished profession and build a critical pool of competent Infocomm security professionals who subscribe to the highest professional standards. The first such association in Asia, AISP hopes to elevate the standing, professionalism and trust accorded to security practitioners in Singapore. Our members belong to an exclusive network of professionals that possess a vast base of knowledge in the information security industry.
Our Objectives
- To promote, develop, support and enhance the integrity, technical competence, management expertise, status and interests of information security professionals in Singapore.
- To promote the development, increase and spread of information security knowledge and of any related subject.
Association of Information Security Professionals (AISP)
The Association of Information Security Professionals (AISP) was registered with the strong support of Singapo...

Australian Information Security Association (AISA)
The Australian Information Security Association (AISA) is an Australian representative industry body for the information security profession. AISA’s objectives are to promote awareness and understanding of information security and ICT risk issues, to offer professional development to its members, to promote networking and the exchange of knowledge and to represent the views of its membership to government and the industry.
With a membership base in excess of 1500 members from a range of industries including education, finance, government, healthcare, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and utilities, AISA is able to represent a broad cross section of the Australian information security industry.
Australian Information Security Association (AISA)
The Australian Information Security Association (AISA) is an Australian representative industry body for the i...

Biometrics Institute

The Biometrics Institute is an independent membership organisation with offices in Sydney, Australia and London, UK. It provides an impartial international forum for biometric users and promotes the responsible use of biometrics. It has developed Privacy Guidelines for its members and has several expert and sector groups including the Biometric Vulnerability Assessment Expert Group (BVAEG), the Privacy Group, the Borders Group and the recently formed Digital Services Expert Group, who produce best-practice guiding information. It holds four biometrics conferences per year plus several training courses and networking functions.
To date we have 215 member organisations from around the world, represented by over 900 individuals.
Email: .
Web: www.biometricsinstitute.org
Biometrics Institute
The Biometrics Institute is an independent membership organisation with offices in Sydney, Australia and Londo...

Certified Counter Terrorism Practitioner (CCTP)

CCTP Board is a certification body which provides certification to candidates in the counterterrorism field. The Certified Counter Terrorism Practitioner (CCTP) will raise professionalism throughout the world in the security and law enforcement professions through ongoing development, maintenance, qualifications and education.
Certified Counter Terrorism Practitioner (CCTP)
CCTP Board is a certification body which provides certification to candidates in the counterterrorism field. T...

European Corporate Security Association (ECSA)

The European Corporate Security Association (ECSA) is a non for profit organisation founded in 2005, after brainstorming with the Heads of Security of major corporations, European Union (EU), international institutions and Justice & Home Affairs experts from Eurojust, Europol and the EU Institutions.
ECSA's objectives are focused on corporate security:
- Provide its members with a trusted forum for
- sharing common issues and experiences
- information and education
- networking with co-members and third parties
Liaise and promote synergy with relevant Academic, Research, Scientific, Public and Private Organisations and Associations
Stimulate Public-Private Cooperation
ECSA members are managers in charge of security at major corporations, EU and international organizations & institutions. The Board of ECSA comprises representatives from the Academic, Public and Corporate Sectors.
European Corporate Security Association (ECSA)
The European Corporate Security Association (ECSA) is a non for profit organisation founded in 2005, afte...

IEEE Communications Society

The IEEE Communications Society (IEEE-ComSoc) is a leading global community comprised of a diverse set of professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications and networking technologies. IEEE ComSoc has over 28,000 members in more than 149 countries. For more information visit www.comsoc.org
IEEE Communications Society
The IEEE Communications Society (IEEE-ComSoc) is a leading global community comprised of a diverse set of prof...

The International Aviation Security Association (IASA) was organized on November 3, 2009, in Shenzhen, China, during the 12th China Public Security Expo, where around thirty (30) countries were represented. It was then officially launched on August 20, 2010, in the Philippines, where the secretariat office was also established.
The objectives of the International Aviation Security (IASA) Association are: 1) To encourage and promote the voluntary interchange of data, information, knowledge, etc. about methods, processes and techniques relating to aviation security; 2) To promote and encourage ethical and professional standards in the aviation security industry; 3) To conduct and carry on aviation security related activities so as to gain recognition as a reputable IASA.
The International Aviation Security Association (IASA) was organized on November 3, 2009, in Shenzhen, China,...


IPv6 Forum has a consortium of worldwide leading Internet vendors, industry subject matter experts,technologies researchers and education professionals.
Aligned with the International IPv6 Forum and IDA Singapore, the Singapore chapter has a clear mission to advocate and create awareness of the Next Generation Internet Protocol to the world.
Most of the ICT professionals are required to get ready for the new skill set to deal with the next version of IP addresses, industry players need to think about the IPv6 compliance for the coming products that associate with the enabling technologies and businesses need to plan ahead on the transition from the current IPv4 to IPv6 technology for business continuity.
IPv6 Forum (Singapore Chapter) will provide our best knowledge to share the important information of all aspect of IPv6 technology to the key industries in Singapore
IPv6 Forum has a consortium of worldwide leading Internet vendors, industry subject matter experts,technologie...

ISACA Singapore Chapter

ISACA Singapore Chapter represents ISACA members in Singapore. The chapter organises professional, educational and social activities to enhance the value of the ISACA membership. The chapter aims to further the aspirations of its members in the areas of Technology Audit, Control, Security & Governance. To support its aims, the chapter organises the Governance, Technology, Audit, Control & Security (GTACS) conference each year. In addition, the chapter organises regular workshops, including SAP Audit, COBIT 5 and review classes for ISACA's well-known certifications - CISA, CISM, CRISC & CGEIT. The chapter is run by volunteer members in the profession and has recently celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2013. For more information, do visit us at www.isaca.org.sg or www.
ISACA Singapore Chapter
ISACA Singapore Chapter represents ISACA members in Singapore. The chapter organises professional, educa...


(ISC)² is the largest not-for-profit membership body of certified information and software security professionals worldwide, with over 100,000 members in more than 160 countries. Globally recognized as the Gold Standard, (ISC)² issues the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSPÒ) and related concentrations, as well as the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLPÒ), the Certified Cyber Forensics Professional (CCFPSM), Certified Authorization Professional (CAPÒ), HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISPPSM), and Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCPÒ) credentials to qualifying candidates. (ISC)² offers education programs and services based on its CBK®. Visit www.isc2.org.
(ISC)² is the largest not-for-profit membership body of certified information and software security profession...

Japan Network Security Association (JNSA)

The goal of NPO Japan Network Security Association (JNSA) is to promote standardization related to network security, and to contribute to greater technological standards in the field, enhancing the public welfare through awareness, education, research and information-dissemination activities related to network security. At present, the Association is comprised of many different working groups carrying out different facets of the Association's charter.
Japan Network Security Association (JNSA)
The goal of NPO Japan Network Security Association (JNSA) is to promote standardization related to network sec...

Secure Identity Alliance

The Secure Identity Alliance is dedicated to supporting sustainable worldwide economic growth and prosperity through the development of trusted digital identities and the widespread adoption of secure eServices.
The Alliance offers support and expertise to allow government agencies and other public bodies to implement their digital ID projects and realize the wide range of economic, public health, electoral and sustainability opportunities offered by the shift to digital service provision.
The Alliance brings together public, private and non-government organizations to foster international collaboration on Digital ID challenges and the issues of data security, citizen privacy, identity, authentication and more.
The Alliance plays a key role in sharing best practice and uncovering the new generation of eIdentity and eDocument technologies crucial to building the trusted framework on which to drive eGovernment, and global economic growth, forward.
Secure Identity Alliance
The Secure Identity Alliance is dedicated to supporting sustainable worldwide economic growth and prosperity t...

Shenzhen UAV

Shenzhen UAV
Shenzhen UAV Industry Association ( SZUAVIA ) is China’s first UAV association established on Oct 31st, 2015....

Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF)
Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) is Singapore infocomm industry association comprises corporate members ranging from local startups to establish MNCs. SiTF advocates for the ICM (Information, Communications and Media) industry and helps to accelerate the adoption ICM technology.
SiTF works closely with various stakeholders to promote emerging technologies in areas such as Digital Media, Cloud Computing, Green IT, Wireless, Security and Governance. SiTF also provide platforms to help members with opportunities to increase their market presence and business reach.
Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF)
Singapore infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) is Singapore infocomm industry association comprises corp...

Singapore Manufacturing Federation

Established since 1932, Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) represents the interests of the Singapore manufacturing community, driving its competitiveness and sustainable growth through serving industry-specific needs. Supported by 10 industry groups and six Centres of Excellence, SMF offers a holistic approach towards enhancing competitiveness of its members. Current membership stands at more than 3,000 corporate members ranging from SMEs to MNCs.
For more information, visit www.smfederation.org.sg
Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Established since 1932, Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) represents the interests of the Singapore man...

Supply Chain Security Association (SCSA)

Supply Chain Security Association (SCSA) is founded in 2002 by a group of professionals from supply chain management, security management and information technology management. SCSA aims at arousing awareness and provide solutions to the increasing security threats which are unavoidable in the operations of supply chain businesses nowadays.
At the early age, aviation security was the highest concern in the industry while members mostly came from aviation cargo operators and related businesses. Anti-terrorist and high-value cargo protection were the focuses in the first decade of establishment. However, with the rising trend of e-commerce, counterfeiting and illegal trades become the latest focus of SCSA. These not only affect the supply chain security but also impact the public security and safety. SCSA believes only cooperation of the supply chain industry and the public can lead us to a safer and more secure future.
Supply Chain Security Association (SCSA)
Supply Chain Security Association (SCSA) is founded in 2002 by a group of professionals from supply chain...

Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA)

TAPA is a non profit organization set up in 1997 by representatives from the various electronics and semi-conductor manufacturers, high tech industries, freight forwarders, and professional consulting companies. Currently, TAPA has three regions across the globe namely Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa and the Americas. We have 1000+ members in TAPA Asia Pacific, including many of the world’s leading manufacturing brands as well as their logistics and transport providers.
Our mission is to minimise cargo losses from the supply chain. TAPA achieves this through the development and application of global security standards, recognized industry practices, technology, education, benchmarking, regulatory collaboration, and the proactive identification of crime trends and supply chain security threats.
Together, by coming together and sharing our experiences and best practices, we can prevent similar criminal occurrences from happening to our shipment and at our sites. Visit our website to get more latest information about supply chain security www.tapa-apac.org
Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA)
TAPA is a non profit organization set up in 1997 by representatives from the various electronics and semi-cond...